You wake up early, fresh and full of energy. The weather outside is great. The day could not have started better. You decide to get some coffee. As you head to your local coffee shop, you spot a cute girl moving in your direction.
You start thinking “What a cute girl. I should approach her and ask her out.” as you get closer to her. Anxiety starts to creep in the back of your mind. “What if she rejects you? What if she finds you boring? You don’t want to do that, don’t you?“. You pep yourself up with “What is the worst that can happen?“. Anxiety fires back “What can’t go wrong? She laughs in your face? Ignores you and leaves?“. As much as you don’t want to admit, these last thoughts startle you. You start doubting yourself, you get nervous, heart starts pounding fast. All this happened in the span of a minute.
While all this happens inside your head, you don’t become aware that the distance between the girl and you is short. As you face her, you give a nervous smile, the girl smiles back but as you are about to say something your thoughts start going a million mph. You just freeze, anxiety and fear win. You turn around to see the girl going further and further. And that’s when the worst thing occurs. Regret. “Why didn’t I approach her. Next time I will do it!“.
To make sure you actually do it next time. Here are the main reasons why you should approach girls.
Confidence – nothing shows more confidence than approaching. It signals you are willing to make the first move and show initiative. Trust me, girls love that. You can objectively be the most handsome guy, but if you don’t have confidence those things don’t matter. As you approach girls, more and more, you get more confidence and start feeling good about yourself.
Social skills – approaching is a great way to improve your social skills. You won’t get nervous around girls. Not to mention, you will meet plenty of new people and make new friends. Gain new interests and hobbies.
Putting yourself out there – it may seem easy but trust me, putting yourself out constantly in the world is a difficult thing. You will be tempted to quit many times. “I don’t need this. I am better off alone. I’ll just watch porn and masturbate.” Don’t cave in, be resilient. And importantly, don’t watch porn (this is a whole other topic that will be discussed here). It will only damage you, mentally, physically and emotionally.
Look, approaching is hard in the beginning. I know! After rejection you feel like shit. “Why did I do this? Did I really need this?“. Go through that pain period and you will see benefits and improvement you couldn’t imagine. My advice is, to set up a plan, possibly daily – approach daily 5x. Day by day, you will get better. It will become easier, and in no time you will be approaching girls. Getting phone numbers and social accounts. Not to mention, how proud you will be of yourself when you see how much you have grown as a person.
Ultimately, if you could take something from reading this post, I want you to take this – Just do it! Get over your fear of rejection. Don’t overthink it. Everyone gets rejected, so it is not a big deal. We will die all, don’t have regrets, we only live once. I know you heard these things before and they sound cliche but they are true. Ask yourself, why do you truly care what others think of you?

Here is some more help. Try these pick up lines that helped me:
- You must be a morning person. Because you look like a real sunshine!
- Approach a girl who wears a dress. Hey! You plus that dress is the second most attractive thing ever. She will probably ask what is the first most attractive thing ever. The first most attractive thing ever is you minus the dress.
- Would love to kiss your beautiful lips! The ones on your face too.
- Do you have a sunburn? Or are you always this hot?
- I am really good at guessing birthdays. Is your 10th of October? I could’ve sworn you were a 10/10
Check out more pickup lines/rizz like bible rizz, basketball rizz and chrisitan rizz.
Good look approaching girls guys, drink water and thank you for reading!